A Estrada 47

by Vicente Ferraz with Sergio Rubini, Daniel de Oliveira, Thogun. Italy-Brasil-Portugal 2014, 107’ v.o. sott. it.

Production Company
Primo Filmes, Stopline Films, Trȇs Mundos Produções, Verdeoro
Vicente Ferraz
Music  Luiz Avellar
Editing Mair Tavares
Cinematography Carlos Arango De Montis

1944, Italy. A group of Brazilian sappers tries to neutralise a German minefield. But a bomb blows off and the whole division, caught by panic, disperses over the Appennines. This is the beginning of a journey through snowy landscapes, in which five scattered Brazilians meet along their way a republican deserter, a German on the run, and above all, the fearful minefield which blocked the passage of the American tanks. Will they redeem themselves in the end?

In programmazione
23/03 at 4.00pm Teatro Petruzzelli
replica 24/03 at 10.45 pm Galleria 5
€ 3,00

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